Ice-forming aerosol generator GLA-105

Generator is designed for active impact on hidrometeorological processes by ice-forming reagent introduction into the cloud. Generator is used with the purpose of agricultural crops protection by hail and also for precipitations provoking.


Technical characteristics:

–                    diameter,mm – 104,5;

–                    height, mm, no more then – 155...160;

–                    weight, kg, no more then – 0,8

–                    weight of ice-forming composition, kg, no more then – 0,11

–                    quantity of ice-forming nucleus, ps., not less:

- at temperature  -6°С – 2,4 х 1014

- at temperature  -10°С – 1,1 х 1015

–                    time from launch up to the operation start ( the declaration time), s – 3,5;

–                    operation time, s – 7...9;

–                    gap height at the angle of elevation of mortar 85…90°, m, not less - 150