Executive Director
Reznikov Mihail Sergeevich
tel.: +7 (8352) 39-61-15 Secretary
tel./ fax: +7 (8352) 62-42-23
e-mail: poreferent@mail.ru
Technical Director
Mingazov Azat Shamilovich tel.: +7 (8352) 39-62-14 fax: +7 (8352) 62-42-23, 39-65-40
Director for regime, staff and security
Arhipov Sergey Ivanovich tel.: +7 (8352) 39-62-04, 39-60-18 fax: +7 (8352) 62-42-23, 39-65-40
Director for economic and finance
Bespalova Nadezhda Vital'evna tel.: +7 (8352) 39-66-16 fax: +7 (8352) 62-42-23, 39-65-40
Director for capital constraction and innovation
Bezrukov Sergey Arkad'evich tel.: +7 (8352) 39-60-31 fax: +7 (8352) 62-42-23, 39-65-40
Chief accountant
Eklakova Lilia Igorevna tel.: +7 (8352) 39-62-29 fax: +7 (8352) 62-42-23, 39-65-40
Commercial director
Leonov Stanislav Vladimirovich tel.: +7 (8352) 39-62-86, 39-60-18 fax: +7 (8352) 62-42-23, 39-65-40
Director for rubber-technical production
Sandalov Sergey Ivanovich tel.: +7 (8352) 39-66-14 fax: +7 (8352) 62-42-23, 39-65-40